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Definition And Usage Of Alliteration

Alliteration Examples: A Compendium from A to Z

Definition and Usage of Alliteration

Alliteration is a literary device that uses the repetition of the same initial consonant sound in a series of nearby words or phrases. Its playful use can create a memorable and pleasant sound effect in language.

Examples of Alliteration

Here is a list of 101 examples of alliteration, arranged alphabetically:

  1. A beautiful bluebird
  2. Bathed in bubbling brooks
  3. Cat calls caress clumsy canines
  4. Dazzling daffodils dance
  5. Elated elephants eagerly explore
  6. Fragrant flowers flutter freely
  7. Gentle geese gather gracefully
  8. Hummingbirds happily hover
  9. Innocent infants imitate
  10. Jolly jellyfish jiggle joyously
  11. Kind kittens kneel knowingly
  12. Lovely lilies linger lovingly
  13. Mystical mermaids move melodically
  14. Nightingales nestle near
  15. Optimistic otters open oysters
  16. Perfumed petunias paint paths
  17. Quacking quails quiz quickly
  18. Rambunctious rhinos roam relentlessly
  19. Silly sparrows sing sweetly
  20. Triumphant tigers trot tirelessly
  21. Unassuming unicorns utter
  22. Vibrant violets veil verdant valleys
  23. Whispering willows wave wildly
  24. Xylophones xylophone xquisitely
  25. Yellow yolks yield yieldingly
  26. Zippy zebras zigzag zealously
